explore2 篇文章GBM2024 年 3 月 3 日探索 explore ( 原創lynn_freesoul )在複雜、多變的世界中尋找自我和內心平靜的探索标签活跃作者根叔|gunshock根叔|gunshock⎡邊緣回望後,滑進一界混沌,從不掙扎。跟自己的過去過不去,執著地浮沉著。⎦ Still hope/to hand stitch my book/of ups & downs on a tightrope./No plan to elope/coz it just chokes.根叔|gunshock2021 年 8 月 28 日Before Halley Comes BackMy aloe blooms/Express from the you insideExplore new placeExpand as much as you can afford/・Do it when youngDo it before the next Halley vi...相关标签詩自我探索探索poem彗星没有更多