Put on an extra man什么意思?翻译笔记2

“而在紧缩时期,我们需要缩头乌龟”“And in times of retrenchment we need a trencherman”

be upwardly mobile 做人就做人上人

choreographed 精心安排的

creamy shoulder 香肩

flatly refuse 坚定地拒绝

get carried away 忘乎所以(太兴奋或投入以至于失态)

it is all grist to your mill 对你百利无一害

rosy (皮肤,面色)红润/红彤彤

shaggy-dog story or tale(rambling and pointless) 这故事又臭又长

smooth operator 能靠口才获利的人(老油条/小滑头/调情高手/渣男/伶牙俐齿)

tangy 酸甜味,酸香味(柠檬,醋等等)

tarring and feathering 一种酷刑,给人身上涂满焦油,粘上羽毛

tip the scales/balance 打破僵局/扭转乾坤/起决定性作用

“Go away,” I croaked, flecking everyone near me with light foam.


Why then, you may ask, did I cling to her? If you could but see her, you would not need to ask. One look at her expensive hair, her costly eyes, her exorbitant skin, her overpriced torse, her bankrupting legs, and you would understand. You would cry, even as I, “Hang the expense! I got to have this dame!”


But being a worshiper of beauty, I could not resist her. She had so much beauty to worship that I almost had to put on an extra man. Her symmetry, the architecture of her limbs, the melody of her movements, her planes and hollows, her peaks and valleys—all this was more than I could withstand. I was mad for her the moment I saw her.


Physically, he was not an imposing man. He was little and bent. Only a few white hairs remained on his lumpy cranium. His eyes were beady, his nose was overlong, his thin lips curved downward in a perpetual sneer. His ancient blue serge suit gleamed dully, like the sides of a hearse.


Pearl had an idea. “Why don’t you say something like this? In times of reconstruction we need a construction man.

And in times of retrenchment we need a trencherman.



* Trencherman是“大胃王”的意思。但若直译,就没有幽默的意谓了。这是妥协的译法。

Stalin and Roosevelt had an argument about whose bodyguards were more loyal and ordered them to jump out of the window on the fifteenth floor. Roosevelt’s bodyguard flatly refused to jump, saying, “I’m thinking about the future of my family.” Stalin’s bodyguard, however, jumped out of the window and fell to his death. Roosevelt was taken aback.

“Tell me, why did your man do that?” he asked.

Stalin lit his pipe and replied:

“He was thinking about the future of his family, too.”





Translating these kinds of circulating jokes means matching the pattern made by the interplay of presupposition and meaning that constitutes the points, and then rewriting all the rest to suit.


…what we experience reflects not just what the world is currently telling us, but what we-consciously or nonconsciously—were expecting it to be telling us. One consequence of this is that we are never simply seeing what’s “really there,” stripped bare of our own anticipations or insulated from our own past experiences. Instead, all human experience is part phantom—the product of deep-set predictions. We can no more experience the world “prediction and expectation free” than we could surf without a wave.


I wondered whether a couple's survival could depend on whether their individual stories of what love ideally should be were close enough to the stories of the actual relationship they were in. For example, if someone wants to live a romantic fairy tale, but finds herself actually living a war story, she is likely to be dissatisfied. Others prefer the war story, and would feel bored out of their minds in the romantic fairy tale.


But a clean separation of fact from fiction simply isn't possible in the context of personal relationships, because we shape the facts of a relationship to conform to our personal fictions.


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