Apply for community delegation 申請社區委托
Martian Forest 現再次申請社區委托,正如6個月前那樣。
E-mail: [email protected]
佣金率 80%. 用以補助云虛擬機及一點技術支持的投入,另外就是威士忌儲備局的投入。
Martian Forest 已經成爲LikeCoin驗證人6個月了,驗證節點一直正常運行,除了最近遇到“apphash" 問題時系統停頓,當時也提供了Block Data 協助排查問題。不太理解apphash 是什麽運算上的錯誤,因爲我們是擁有更偏向系統運行和支持的技術人員,最終解決了還是感謝LikeCoin開發團隊。
最近Cosmos 生態的發展非常迅速而且有趣,LikeCoin 升級後能支持的各樣功能如: ISCN, IBC, Cosmos DEX 等功能,Martian Forest 也寫文章推廣及討論這些功能可以帶來怎樣的變革。感謝LikeCoin 開發團隊帶來的這連串的好玩而興奮的功能。
驗證人節點幫助到LikeCoin團隊去中心化的功能,也同時積極參與了Discord 的討論,在discord 討論區分享一些經驗,例如FOTAN升級後沒有提醒把舊的block data 刪除,導致硬碟空間不夠等等,Discord 裏好幾位同學都訴説發生這個問題。
Martian Forest 在Matters 也積極希望推廣LikeCoin 作爲交易的媒介,或者是具有真正購買力的代幣。例如,威士忌儲備局,用好玩的方式提供LikeCoin 的實物儲備 (如下:一起讓like-coin-成為群體内的交易媒介-bafyreic7koa77niekxgi4ikwil53fylyq5yslpckvbchigzkoptlet2cki ),LikeCoin 用威士忌收藏品作爲儲備。
也構思了驗證人委托人互動有獎遊戲 (驗證人委托人互動有獎遊戲-bafyreiaovbxuvwcn5g4hvtrodviategryob6wmkskqfggfojnni7g6aaly ) 盡可能的使用一些互動方式與委托人或潛在委托人溝通。
ISCN 推出後也測試和使用ISCN , 討論ISCN 的應用範圍和價值。
Martian Forest 會繼續提供可靠的驗證人節點,繼續在社區分享經驗和討論,也會對新功能繼續的嘗試和挖掘。
Martian Forest would like to apply for community delegation, as like 6 months ago.
E-mail: [email protected]
The commission rate is 80%. This is required for a bit of subsidizing the cost of cloud computing service and the technical support involved, and the Whisky Reserve as the reserve for coins delegated. (See here:一起讓like-coin-成為群體内的交易媒介-bafyreic7koa77niekxgi4ikwil53fylyq5yslpckvbchigzkoptlet2cki )
It has been 6 months after Martian Forest has established as LikeCoin validator node, and the node has been running smoothly except when we encountered the "apphash" issue (don't know what it exactly meant, as we are more on system level management of the node)
Very exciting progress lately in the Cosmos Ecosystem especially LikeCoin chain, we have upgraded to version that supports ISCN, IBC, and LikeCoin joined Cosmos for DEX feature. Applauses for the great team, with a lot of fun and excitement.
The validator node helps to decentralize the LikeCoin nodes which I believe Martian Forest node has been providing the function smoothly and properly under current community policy and requirement.
Martian Forest in the world would like so much to promote LikeCoin as medium of exchange, or have real purchasing value in the real life , such as a game 驗證人委托人互動有獎遊戲 , in which delegators achieving certain number of reward in LikeCoin, I shall award the delegator with a bottle of whisky. (驗證人委托人互動有獎遊戲-bafyreiaovbxuvwcn5g4hvtrodviategryob6wmkskqfggfojnni7g6aaly )
Also, invent a fun way of having a real life commodity that has appreciation in value versus time as a reserve for the coins delegated to Martian Forest (
With the roll out of ISCN feature, Martian Forest also promoted the use of ISCN registration.
Martian Forest has been actively participating in Discord Validator channel and other channel to share technical experience trying to help out as much as we could. Martian Forest will continue to keep the momentum on promoting, experimenting the LikeCoin ecosystem function, in addition to keeping a reliable validator node and share information actively in the Discord channel.
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