【推文】Logan Lancing - What does Woke believe?
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What does Woke believe?
In Summary:
The woke believe reality is subjective and relational, constructed by individual perception and shaped through social, cultural, historical, and political forces. There is no objective truth; only "lived experience" and "lived reality" exists, mediated by the dialectical relationship between the knower and that which is known.
Humanity's essence lies in creativity and the ability to construct the world, but this essence is alienated by inherited “systems” and “structures”—laws, customs, traditions, and norms—that impose and coerce the creation of an alien reality, limiting collective freedom. This alienation is the root conflict preventing true human fulfillment.
To reclaim humanity, these systems and structures must be dismantled. The goal is to create a world where we can collectively construct a reality free from external limitation, deception, contradiction, or oppression, ultimately achieving a state of unalienated existence where human creativity is fully realized.
Being Woke means you’ve awakened to this view of reality and commit yourself to dismantling all alienation in pursuit of collective liberation.
What do the woke believe?
The woke believe that we do not perceive the world directly. The world passes through the filter of our mind. Each of us has eyes, ears, a nose, fingers, and a tongue to collect sense data about the world. This data filters through our unique minds and our minds organize and create a personal picture of the world. We are “world builders.” We create the world in our heads. The rock in my driveway only exists in my mind. If I don’t exist, the rock doesn’t exist. You may perceive a rock, but it’s not the rock in my mind.
Therefore, there is no objective world or truth that we have access to. The world is always perceived by a knower in relation to that which is known. All is mental.
This dynamic is dialectical. The world is always created by a knower in dialectical relation to that which is known.
Therefore, what is known cannot be separated from the knower. This is best summarized in the phrases “lived experience” and “lived reality.” This means that all knowledge is personal and political. People cannot be separated from their ideas or arguments.
Because all we know is mental and constructed through dialectical relationships, we ourselves are products. We create ourselves.
But we do not create our world or ourselves as we please. We “do not make [our world/ourselves] under circumstances chosen by [ourselves], but under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past.” (Marx) We create ourselves with the social, cultural, historical, and political tools at hand. Other people’s thoughts, traditions, arguments, rules, laws, customs – in short: other people’s constructed realities – enter my head and make me. I’m born into a world created by other people, and the “traditions of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.” (Marx)
What makes me human is the ability to create the world. But I’ve been alienated from my creations. I create the world, but not as I please. The world I create confronts me as an alien world because it’s loaded with the biases, stories, traditions, history, politics, customs, rules, and laws of other people. These things brainwash me into thinking that my world “is given and received”; tricks me into thinking that there is a governing “truth” and “common sense” out there that I must subscribe to and use to create my world. Humans are a social species; we rely on one another to live. But our relationships alienate us from one another because our constructed worlds interfere with our ability to create; interfere and alienate us from the very thing that makes us human; our creativity.
Our “spiritual species-property” is our creative and social nature. Without our “species-being,” we are no longer human.
Therefore, there is a central conflict driving the creation of our world and preventing all of us from realizing our true, collective human nature; a conflict between people struggling to unshackle themselves from the prison that has been constructed for them by other people and groups.
This conflict must be overcome to realize our humanity; for Man to live for Man – for the species to continue and realize it’s true unadulterated nature – we must be able to create the world we would otherwise create, absent the unjust power exerted over our ability to create, as world builders.
So, we must overthrow the existing order; we must unburden ourselves from what has been. We must seek and destroy any history, politics, custom, culture, law, tradition, and rules that prevent us from creating the world “authentically” as demanded by our spiritual species-property. Enter CRT, Postcolonial Theory, Fat Studies, Queer Theory, and the rest.
If we can do this long enough and let the dialectical engine that mediates our realities play out, we will eventually reach a place where there is no alienation; a place where we create the world in our head as we would if unburdened by what has been.
There are a million contradictions to be overcome in the process, but there is faith that it will all work out; it must work out; it is inevitable.
You'll notice that an end to alienation means an end of the individual. In the end, we all end up thinking the same thing because a single individual alienates the species from itself. A distinct thought - a distinct world - adds a node of conflict, a contradiction - to the system. We are the species Man, a collective One alienated from itself; a puzzle that must be put back together; Woke is the riddle of History solved, and it knows itself to be the solution.
If we can do this long enough, we will realize We are god, creator, and have been all along.
Someone who is Woke has awakened to this realization.
Every ounce of woke follows from this.
It's a fanatical cult religion.
Laugh if you want. It's not my idea. But deal with it you must.