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LikeCoin new validator report by 🔥STAVR🔥

Hi everybody. This is my application for delegation of the Likecoin community.

I joined the network 1 month ago and during this time I have done:

  1. Voted for the last 1 proposals

  2. Didn't go to jail

  3. Launched the explorer EXPLORER

  4. Posted the information on my github

  5. RPC http://like.rpc.m.stavr.tech:1007

  6. API https://like.api.m.stavr.tech

  7. gRPC http://like.grpc.m.stavr.tech:2000

  8. Peer [email protected]:1006

  9. RPC Scanner

  10. Decentralization (update every 6 hours)

  11. Addrbook (update every hour)

  12. State-Sync

  13. SnapShot

  14. Service/Install script (Install, State-Sync, Snapshot, Update, Delete)

  15. Guide/Manual

Validator link: https://explorer.stavr.tech/Likecoin-M/staking/likevaloper1pxvegy2m8u3v4c20p5p4v0wre4ggd5luumku9w

Moniker: 🔥STAVR🔥


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