【元宵節英文】必學的「3大習俗」 吃湯圓、鬧花燈、猜燈謎,英文說法你瞭解多少?
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元宵節3大習俗Lantern Festival Customs
Various traditional customs are held during Lantern Festival including watching lanterns, guessing lantern riddles, and eating yuanxiao.
1. 賞花燈Watching Lanterns
In order to popularize Buddhism during the Han Dynasty, one of the emperors gave an order to light lanterns in the imperial palace to worship and show respect for Buddha on the 15th day of the first lunar month. Thus, hanging lanterns gradually became the tradition of the Chinese people.
Today, watching decorative lanterns is a traditional festival custom of the Lantern Festival. Various shapes and types of lanterns can be seen in the streets which attract countless visitors. The traditional festive lanterns have made from bamboo but the electronic counterparts have become popular in recent years.
In order to為了
dynasty 朝代;Han Dynasty漢朝
emperor皇帝;imperial 皇帝的imperial palace皇宮
worship and show respect敬拜和尊重
on the 15th day of the first lunar month農曆正月十五日
decorative lantern花燈,carry lantern提燈籠,賞燈enjoy lantern
2. 猜燈謎Guessing Lantern Riddles
Guessing lantern riddles is regarded as an indispensable part of the Lantern Festival since Song Dynasty. During that time some people wrote all kinds of riddles on pieces of paper and pasted them on the surface of colorful lanterns to let visitors guess. This festive activity can also enlighten wisdom, so many people responded and gradually become an indispensable part of the Lantern Festival.
lantern riddles燈謎,guessing/solving lantern riddles猜燈謎
be regarded as 被視為
enlighten wisdom啟發智慧
3. 吃元宵(湯圓) Eating Yuanxiao (Tangyuan)
Yuanxiao is a novel food that was popular in the Song Dynasty and was eaten during the Lantern Festival. Yuanxiao is a glutinous rice dumpling ball stuffed with different fillings and is also called tangyuan since it is round in shape.
The common fillings for making Yuanxiao include sugar, peanut, sesame, sweetened bean and jujube paste. Because tangyuan can be boiled, fried or steamed, and each has a unique taste, it is very popular.
Eating Yuanxiao has become an essential part of the festival. Yuanxiao is round in shape which symbolizes peace, harmony and reunion. During the night of the festival, family members sit together to taste yuanxiao and appreciate the full moon.
glutinous黏稠的;glutinous rice 糯米
sesame 芝麻
essential 重要的
symbolize 象徵
reunion 團聚
appreciate the full moon 欣賞滿月
元宵節3大習俗Lantern Festival Customs
1. 賞花燈 Watching Lanterns
In order to為了
dynasty 朝代;Han Dynasty漢朝
emperor皇帝;imperial 皇帝的imperial palace皇宮
worship and show respect敬拜和尊重
on the 15th day of the first lunar month農曆正月十五日
decorative lantern花燈,carry lantern提燈籠,賞燈enjoy lantern
2. 猜燈謎 Guessing Lantern Riddles
lantern riddles燈謎,guessing/solving lantern riddles猜燈謎
be regarded as 被視為
enlighten wisdom啟發智慧
3. 吃元宵(湯圓) Eating Yuanxiao (Tangyuan)
glutinous黏稠的;glutinous rice 糯米
sesame 芝麻
essential 重要的
symbolize 象徵
reunion 團聚
appreciate the full moon 欣賞滿月
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