反送中國際輿論戰 - 英語世界如何報導佔領立法會


(更新至3/7 01:00)

  1. 媒體主要用 “stormed”(衝擊) 和 “vandalise”(恣意毀壞),亦有不少以 “violent”(暴力)來形容昨天的行動
  2. 有不少媒體都提供一定程度的背景資料,例如過去多次行動政府都不為所動,有個別媒體亦訪問了昨天的行動者,解釋他們為何要衝入立法會。
  3. 有媒體指衝擊會令運動失去溫和支持者支持,New York Times其中一篇文章甚至以「分化運動」(Dividing Movement) 形容。

我覺得現在輿論戰可以做的,就是我們不同背景的人 -年輕的年長的、為人家長老師、商人專業人士、和理非的,以自己的身位去證明運動中人並沒有互相指責,也沒有去割蓆。網上已有很多持類似觀點的中文文章,可以的話,我們可以寫多幾篇英文,然後投稿給以下的媒體。





02/07 Washington Post Hong Kong protest: Some condemn, some ask for understanding

02/07 Bloomberg Hong Kong Protests May Help Taiwan’s Leader Resist China

02/07 Financial Times How to mobilise millions: lessons from Hong Kong

02/07 The Guardian Hong Kong protest: China says violent demonstrations ‘totally intolerable’

02/07 France 24 Beijing backs criminal probe into ‘illegal actions’ of Hong Kong protesters

02/07 BBC Hong Kong protests: China says protesters ‘trample rule of law’

02/07 CNN The unique reasons why millions in Hong Kong are protesting

02/07 Financial Times Judicial independence of Hong Kong is guaranteed

02/07 CNN Hong Kong’s democracy movement was about hope. These protests are driven by desperation

02/07 Bloomberg Hong Kong Protests Are Giving Banks a Headache

02/07 DW Hong Kong protesters: ‘We will stand together and never give up’

01/07 The Independent ‘Outpouring of righteous anger’: Hong Kong protesters storm legislature and tear down Chinese flags

01/07 Wall Street Journal Hong Kong Protests’ Violent Turn Tests Limits of Public Support

01/07 LA Times Hong Kong protests escalate as violent demonstrators overrun legislature building

01/07 Washington Post Hong Kong protests present a growing conundrum for China

01/07 Buzzfeed Hong Kong Protesters Smashed Their Way Through Glass And Metal To Get The Government’s Attention

01/07 Al Jazeera Hong Kong demonstrations turn violent as crisis escalates

01/07 DW Hong Kong marks anniversary of Chinese rule with protests

01/07 NYT What the Hong Kong Protests Are Really About

01/07 NYT Hong Kong Protesters Storm Legislature, Dividing the Movement

01/07 NYT Why Many in China Oppose Hong Kong’s Protests

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楊政賢香港|人權|勞工|資訊安全|道德時裝 Clean Clothes Campaign 國際緊急呼籲協調員,國際特赦組織香港分會主席
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