Fire & Motion 25

Justin Sung
Stin's reading note.

Fleeting Quote

If you don’t understand what is happening on a good day, you surely won’t understand what is happening on a bad day.




傳統上認為導致城市雜亂、沒有秩序、壓迫感高的存在,從作者的角度來看,如此的規模與密度反倒是多樣性的來源,而多樣性 (超級重要!) 正是城市得以迸出新滋味的關鍵 (一句台詞透漏年齡XD)。整本書便是構築於對多樣性的肯認上,而我完全同意!


我的解讀為 to nudge (助推)。相較於直接政策地限制汽車,適當地降低使用汽車的便利性、提高公眾運輸的便利,如此較「間接」的作法可能更為人性,更能將人們漸漸推向少用汽車。


我心中的台北已經是座偉大、多樣的城市了!如果作者有機會看一眼此刻的台北,應該會很欣慰吧 (笑)。台北是如此地混融,如此地迷人。

或許對於城市最好的比喻就是假想它是黑暗中的一大片田野。在田野之中,有許多火堆在燃燒。它們有大有小;有一些分得很開,有一些靠得很近;有 些比較明亮,有一些即將熄滅。每一團火,不論大小,都有光影投射到周圍的黑暗之中,因此開拓出一個空間。但是這個空間和它的形狀只有當火光照亮的時候才存在





📕This is Home: The Art of Simple Living

Homes provide the foundations for our lives and the backdrop for events that will one day become our memories. We need to create flexible spaces that can adapt to the continual shifts and changes - the unexpected house guests and big-number birthday parties we host from time to time. It helps if we are not overly precious about our spaces too. When we let go of perfection and other restrictive ways of thinking, we give ourselves the freedom to play and learn, and reduce our stress levels. And when we give, we get back more. When we open the doors to our home and break bread we can establish deep connections with family and friends. We can become part of a community too. But there are other times when we need to engage in restorative practices - creating healthy and nourishing meals, carving out a space to exercise, meditate or contemplate, enjoying the benefits of a long bath and giving our bodies the sleep they need. Love, too. Our homes should always be open to love.

A manifesto-like discourse is what I need currently. I do start to make a habit of rearranging items in my room to create new flows.

📄Number One in Formula One

Race weekends can be roller coasters of emotions, and it is easy to feel pressure as a principal if you don’t understand the technical details as deeply as others do. Wolff, however, accepts that. “I don’t know as much about aerodynamics as the engineers on the team do,” he said, “but I want to know about them as people, and I enjoy spending time with them, which makes it easier to figure out the best course of action in tough situations.”

What strikes me the most is that even though Wolff is such a micro-manage boss, the intent of doing so comes from deep admiral and emphasis on people, rather than being nerdy on every detail. What a boss, and what a team!


🎥Farewell My Concubine


Outside Interest!

🎶Tamela Mann: Tiny Desk Concert

📹8 Habits that Changed My Life


CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权


Justin SungSkeptical optimist. Like to laugh.
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