【M直播專訪】澳門戒煙保健會 | 疫情下多左人戒煙? 澳門喺電子煙方面係全球領先?
M直播今次訪問到澳門戒煙保健會嘅陳建新理事長 , 疫情下對戒煙工作有咩影響? 會唔會多左人戒煙? 禁煙法係澳門嘅成效如何? 澳門控煙法可以比其他地區借鑑? 對戒煙人士嘅建議? 一齊睇下佢點講! #m直播專訪 #m直播與你共渡時艱
M Plus Live has an interview with the chairman of Smoking Abstention and Good Health Association - Professor Kin Sun CHAN . Let's see how the pandemic situation has affected his smoke abstention work ,and whether more people quit smoke during the pandemic situation. Moreover, he also shares his thoughts about the Tobacco Control Laws and his suggestions towards smoke quitters. #mpluswithyou #mplussupportyou
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