Fire & Motion 34

Justin Sung
Stin's reading note.

Fleeting Quote




🏅What do I think about biometric proof of personhood?

🏅Wes Anderson est dans le Vidéo Club de légende pour parler cinéma 🔥



🏘️The Kinfolk Entrepreneur

Compete well and ask for help in a conversational style.

Competitiveness is healthy when it's controlled and when you're not doing things purely for emotional reasons. It makes people raise their game, but you can't get out of hand. You have to not mind when you lose, which is very difficult sometimes. If you invest too much into your competitiveness, you lose perspective and it's a terrible crash when you don't succeed.

In asking for help, people should approach it as a conversation, not simply as a question. That's more inviting to the person who is agreeing to help because they feel as though they can contribute to the problem-solving. And by framing your request for help as a conversation, you may realize that the thing you were originally asking about isn't what you actually need.


🏘️The Kinfolk Home

Early mornings are dark and quiet. Although your warm bed beckons you to climb back in, starting your day before the day can leave you feeling enlightened and ready to meet life's forthcoming requirements that rise with the sun.


🏘️The Kinfolk Travel

I love to travel, but that means the journey as well as the destination. Trains and ships show you the journey and treat you like a human being. You aren't strapped in; you can stand up and walk around, you can sleep in a bed, eat in a restaurant. My message is that you're not suffering to do the planet a favour.




當我們問到何謂生命的意義時,我們期待一段論述、一段故事,但宇宙並非如此運行的,宇宙萬物並沒有一個既定的故事軸線;男人到中年時,得在「我的夢想為何?」與「我實際上達成什麼?」之間做成妥協跟理解,若無法安然地接受並尋找替代目標 (例如養育後代),那麼中年危機將必然發生;正如船舶需要壓艙物以順利航行,我們也需要適度地焦慮、緊張、不安以穩定前進的方向。





系統中隨時都有小部分的崩解,以成全整體的安全與韌性;練習將「時間」的因素納入考慮,例如改善的水準 & 改善的速度、年薪 & 實際工時;藉由提出「那有人能做得更好嗎?」來辨別表現不佳的人 / 運作不靈的系統。







謹慎地使用比喻、字詞;欠缺動力 (motivation) 時,嘗試想像目標失敗後的景況,以「避免失敗」促使我們採取改善計畫。




📕The 4-Hour Workweek

Distribute joy throughout life, instead of concentrating it. Own your life. Focusing on wage per hour in order to avoid "annual salary" fallacy. Eliminate before automating. Finding your muses, whether it's a personified force who is the source of inspiration, or being absorbed in thought, or saying to oneself in a thoughtful manner.

In contrast to "to retire early or young," it's really about " to distribute recovery periods and adventures (mini retirements) throughout life on a regular basis and recognize that inactivity is not the goal."

In contrast to "to be the boss instead of the employee and to be in charge," it's really about "to be neither the boss nor the employee, but the owner. To own the trains and have someone else ensure they run on time."

Retirement planning is like life insurance. It should be viewed as nothing more than a hedge against the absolute worst-case scenario: in this case, becoming physically incapable of working and needing a reservoir of capital to survive.

Relative income uses two variables: the dollar and time, usually hours. The whole "per year" concept is arbitrary and makes it easy to trick yourself.

Never automate something that can be eliminated, and never delegate something that can be automated or streamlined.

Surround yourself with smiling, positive people who have absolutely nothing to do with work. Create your muses alone if you must, but do not live your life alone. Happiness shared in the form of friendships and love is happiness multiplied.

You'd better slow down. Don't dance so fast. Time is short. The music won't last.



📄Reading Well

You should embrace the visceral quality in reading. Read mostly fiction. Read slowly. There is a kind of marinating that happens with very good works, they are always more than their story. The goal is not to digest information, but to layer over your reality with a fresh coat of moss. Your own world becomes colored by these stories, so it is worthwhile to spend time seeking the excellent works from across cultures and history. [...] I also tend to stress fiction because I think, especially among my professional peers in the industry of software, that there is too great a fondness for non-fiction. I think this arises from a belief that superior knowledge of the world comes from non-fiction. This thought is attractive to people who build systems, but over-systematizing and seeing systems in everything can be a failure mode. Careful descriptions and summaries miss too much of the world. Hard distinctions make bad philosophy. Reading fiction helps you become an unsystematic thinker, something that is equally valuable but more elided by some engineers. It is easy to maintain an intellectual rigidity. It takes more care to maintain a loose poeticism of thought.


📄Tidbits I've learned that have made my life better

I know that grief never ends. When a friend’s loved one dies, put the loved one’s birthday on your calendar. Send them flowers or a card on that date, and never stop doing that.

I know that showing up is the ultimate act of love. Go to every wedding and every funeral. But more importantly: Go to every sick person’s bedside.

I know anticipation can soften despair. Always have something on the calendar that you’re looking forward to.

I know that kids love absurd questions. If you’re trying to connect with a kid, ask them an adult question like “What kind of car do you drive” or “What do you do for work?” They will crack up and the more you continue the bit, the more they will loosen up with you.




🎥The 400 Blows

🎥Past Lives

🎥Ryuichi Sakamoto: CODA


🎥Gen Hoshino Concert Recollections 2015-2023

🎥Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee



📹Principles For Success by Ray Dalio

📹Novak Djokovic | Finalist Interview | Wimbledon 2023

I'll give you a big hug, and we can all love each other.




🎙️Yuval Noah Harari: Human Nature, Intelligence, Power, and Conspiracies

[What's the meaning of life?] If you ask what life is, life is feeling things, having sensations, emotions, and reacting to them. When you feel something good, something pleasant, you want more of it. When you feel something unpleasant, you want to get rid of it. That’s the whole of life. That’s what is happening all the time. You feel things. You want the pleasant things to increase. You want the unpleasant things to disappear. That’s what life is.

If you ask what is the meaning of life in a more philosophical or spiritual question, the real question to ask, what kind of answer do you expect? Most people expect a story. And that’s always the wrong answer. Most people expect that the answer to the question, “What is the meaning of life?” will be a story, like a big drama. [...] To really understand life, life is not a story. The universe does not function like a story. So, I think to really understand life, you need to observe it directly in a nonverbal way. Don’t turn it into a story. And the question to start with is, what is suffering? What is causing suffering? [...] We want to stay with the reality of life. And the most important question about the reality of life is what is suffering and where is it coming from?




🎶French Jazz Cafe - a Spotify playlist

🎶Greek Taverna - a Spotify playlist

🎶Spanish Tapas Bar - a Spotify playlist

🎶Cafe Africa - a Spotify playlist

🎶Brazilian Jazz Mix - a Spotify playlist

🎶Oblique - a Spotify playlist

🎶Cello Sleep - a Spotify playlist

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授权


Justin SungSkeptical optimist. Like to laugh.
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Fire & Motion
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Fire & Motion 39

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